Chill Stream, with Max Dean Esmay, Analytic Alchemist and Margaret Cecile (11/3/2019)

This is a livestream from Sunday night (11/3/2019), with Red Pill Religion founder, Max Dean Esmay, YouTuber AnalyticAlchemist and Liberty Movement Radio founder, Margaret Cecile.

We discuss a range of topics, including Bigfoot and UFOs, the CIA, Freemasonry, the JFK assassination, false virtues sold by climate governance and liberalism, child sex trafficking and the Finders cult, Child Protective Services, Donald Trump, smart cities and 5G technology.


Red Pill Religion on YouTube:

Margaret Cecile on YouTube:

Analytic Alchemist on YouTube:

◦ More information:

▻ Investigative journalist & author, Annie Jacobsen’s homepage:

▻ Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? (Full Documentary) | The Conscious Resistance Network:

▻ Arizona Official Placed 29 Babies in Adoption Fraud Scheme, Prosecutors Say | The New York Times:…

Derrick Broze for Houston Mayor:

schism206 on YouTube:

◦ Cited articles:

▻ “GOP senator: AZ foster kids are being sold into sexual slavery,” by Jim Small | Arizona Mirror:…

▻ Misogyny, Male Rage And The Words Men Use To Describe Greta Thunberg | 1 Million Women:…

(* I never cited the last article in the stream, but referenced it indirectly in relation to my observations on how several media outlets seem to be hellbent on escalating tribalistic mentality and hatred between men and women.)

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